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Total downloads:690020
Total abstract views:959410



Statistics for submissions in 2008














 Under review








Acceptance rate: 55% (15/27)

Abstract views


We have updated abstract views of individual articles (as well as editorials and book reviews ) on this homepage: 

1 (1): 511, 170, 183, 160, 162, 183 
1 (2): 233, 155, 170, 185, 195
1 (3): 532, 484, 191, 206, 196, 183 

2 (1): 621, 636, 656, 620, 598, 575, 574, 507
2 (2): 316, 323, 303, 311, 240, 302, 258, 243
2 (3): 147, 173, 117, 131, 112, 113, 142, 109, 97, 119

The AUCO Czech Economic Review, Vol. 2, No. 3


A new issue of the AUCO Czech Economic Review is available online. See table of contents:


František Turnovec, Martin Gregor, Roman Horváth, Ondřej Schneider
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (3), 195-196


Wallenstein’s Power Problem and Its Consequences
Holler, Manfred J.; Klose-Ullmann, Barbara
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (3), 197-218

Some Characterizations of Convex Interval Games
Alparslan Gök, S. Zeynep; Branzei, Rodica; Tijs, Stef
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (3), 219-226

How Hierarchical Structures Impact on Competition
Galegov, Alexsandr; Garnaev, Andrey
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (3), 227-236

Making Robust Decisions in Discrete Optimization Problems as a Game against Nature
Kasperski, Adam
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (3), 237-250

On Some Properties of Cost Allocation Rules in Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Problems
Bergantinos, Gustavo; Vidal-Puga, Juan
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (3), 251-267

Algorithmic Approaches to Game-theoretical Modeling and Simulation
Hrubý, Martin
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (3), 268-300


IES Young Scholar Conference
Julie Chytilová
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (3), 301-303

Northeastern Universities Development Consortium Conference
Michal Bauer
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (3), 303-304

The 5th Czech Economic Society Biennial Conference 2008
Komárek, Luboš; Skořepa, Michal
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (3), 304-306

To view and/or recommend a single article, click on the article title. To unsubscribe, please fill in the form in the left column (Table of Contents Alert) on the journal homepage.

Referees in 2008


We would like to thank all of our referees for their precious time and continued support of our journal.

The referees of AUCO Czech Economic Review are fellows at institutions in the following 17 countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, UK, US.

Referees in year 2008

Andrey Garnaev, St. Petersburg University
Annalisa Russino, University of Palermo
Balazs Murakozy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Běla Plechanovová, Charles University, Prague
Christian Dunis, Liverpool Business School
Dalibor Roháč, Oxford University
Dominique Lepelley, University of Caen
Alyona Gubar, St. Petersburg University
Elena Parilina, St. Petersburg University
Elena Yankovskaya, St. Petersburg University
František Turnovec, Charles University in Prague
Gianpaolo Rossini, University of Bologna
Hannu Salonen, University of Helsinki
Istvan Konya, Magyar Nemzeti Bank
J. Andres Faina-Medin, University of Coruna
Jacek Mercik, Wroclaw University of Technology
Jan Fidrmuc, Brunel University
Jan Zápal, London School of Economics
Jarko Fidrmuc, University of Munich
Jaromír Baxa, Charles University in Prague
Juha-Pekka Niinimäki, University of Helsinki
Karel Janda, Charles University Prague
Kuchařová Věra, Research Institute of Labor, Prague
Lars Gunnar Svensson, Lund University
Lenka Šťastná, Charles University, Prague
Lina Mallozzi, University of Naples
Lorenzo Cioni, University of Pisa
Madeleine Hosli, Leiden University
Mariusz Mazurkiewicz, Wroclaw University of Technology
Martin Gregor, Charles University in Prague
Michal Franta, CERGE-EI, Prague
Mika Widgrén, Turku School of Economics
Mikulas Luptacik, Vienna School of Economics
Milan Horniaček, Comenius University, Bratislava
Milan Sojka, Charles University, Prague
Monika Lobaziewicz, Catholic University Lublin
Nikolai Zenkevich, St. Petersburg University
Oliver Brandouy, University of Lille
Petr Fiala, University of Economics, Prague
Rainald Borck, Universität Passau
Renata Kosova, Cornell University
René Levínský, Max Planck Institute, Jena
Roman Horváth, Czech National Bank
Shinji Ohseto, Tohoku University
Silvestr van Koten, CERGE-EI, Prague
Somdeb Lahiri, Indian Institute of Petroleum Management, Gandhingar
Stefan Boeters, Central Planning Bureau, Netherlands
Takashi Kamihigashi, Kobe University
Vassilis Monastiriotis, London School of Economics
Vladimir Mlynarovic, Comenius University, Bratislava
William Thomson, Rochester Institute of Technology
Yasumi Matsumoto, Waseda University

Abstract views on the homepage


We have gathered data on abstract views on this homepage, for all articles from issues 1(1) to 2(2):

Abstract views per articles

1 (1): 430 154 158 138 140 157
1 (2): 204 131 151 166 170
1 (3): 452 401 163 187 178 163
2 (1): 568 588 545 549 528
2 (2): 261 241 230 241

RePEc Access Statistics


RePEc database (Research Papers in Economics) provides information about abstract views and downloads of papers from indexed journals. Below we provide data for period September 2007-December 2008 (see link).

Access Statistics

Month        Downloads     Abstract views

07/09          11                 41
07/10           9                  52
07/11           5                  42
07/12           6                  23
08/01           5                  15
08/02          19                 54
08/03          35                149
08/04          27                118
08/05          58                170
08/06          23                180
08/07          22                192
08/08          14                 96
08/09          17                101
08/10          26                122 
08/11          39                152
08/12          24                131



The most visited articles at this webpage are as follows:

Volume 2 (2008)

Volume 1 (2007)

The latest issue


After only three weeks, articles in the latest issue of the journal (Vol. 2, Issue 2) collected the following number of abstract views.

These data are only for abstract views on this homepage, and do not include views in RePEc and EBSCO databases. Besides this, journal circulation involves the printed 300 copies, disseminated at conferences and workshops.

The AUCO Czech Economic Review, Vol. 2, No. 2


A new issue of the AUCO Czech Economic Review is available online. See table of contents:


More Borda Count Variations for Project Assesment
Hannu Nurmi, Hannu Salonen
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (2), 109-122

Aggregate Wage Flexibility in New EU Member States
Jan Babecký
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (2), 123-145

A Flow Approach to Bankruptcy Problems
Rodica Branzei, Giulio Ferrari, Vito Fragnelli, Stef Tijs
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (2), 146-153

National, Political and Institutional Influence in European Union Decision Making
František Turnovec
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (1), 154-173

Book review

Book review: Braham, M., Steffen, F. (eds.), 2008. Power, Freedom, and Voting.
Pavel Doležel
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (2), 174-182


The 2008 Annual Meeting of the European Public Choice Society

Martin Gregor
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (2), 183-183

The 4th Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory
František Turnovec
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (2), 184-184

PCRC Workshop “Power, Games, and Institutions”

Martin Gregor
AUCO Czech Economic Review 2 (2), 185-185

To recommend a single article, click on the article title. To unsubscribe, please fill in the form on the journal homepage.

Call for papers: Measuring the Productivity of Economics Departments


The AUCO Czech Economic Review invites submissions for a special issue on the measurement of scientific output of economics departments in European countries. Comparative studies that focus on the Central European region (Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary) are particularly welcome. Studies may be empirical and/or methodological. The issue is tentatively scheduled for publication in the Fall of 2009.

Manuscripts are favored that address the following issues:

  • What are the competing ways of assessing the output of economics departments, other research outfits, and their members? What are principled arguments in favor of one or the other?
  • More generally, what are desiderata of acceptable assessment instruments in light of criteria such as interdisciplinarity and policy relevance that one often finds in grant competitions of funding agencies?
  • How does the output of economics departments in each of the countries considered compare, by established and novel assessment instruments, to those in other European countries?

Proposals for manuscripts (about 150-200 words) ought to be submitted electronically by September 30, 2008, to the special issue editor Andreas Ortmann, CERGE-EI, Prague at andreas.ortmann@cerge-ei.cz and aortmann@google.com. Invited manuscripts will be due in early 2009 and shall go through the usual, albeit somewhat expedited, refereeing process. For more information about the journal, see the journal website: http://auco.cuni.cz

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